Who We Are
Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit (LCHS) is a neighborhood church that strives to be a place where all people are welcome and invited into full-participation regardless of age, economic status, race, gender or sexual orientation. As a community, faith is the common element that brings us together to worship, learn, and serve. We believe that the best way to share God's unconditional love for us is to live God's love in our community. As a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) - the church of "God's Work, Our Hands" we join our efforts with 9,300 congregations in the US and the Caribbean.
Worship is one of the most important things we do as the people of God. It’s during worship that we remember “who” we are and “whose” we are (God’s children!). We make room for God to work in our lives!
Join us Sundays at 9:00 a.m and for our Lent and Holy Week services.
Live God's Word
Faith Formation
We have a number of open small groups, study groups, and service opportunities that prompt us to encourage and build each other up as we grow, wonder, and doubt in our faith. We also offer learning opportunities for all ages.
Care for All People
Our work, as people of faith, is to serve and love our neighbor: “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.”
LCHS offers liturgical based worship and rotates between praise band and traditional music.
We have Communion every Sunday and all are welcome to the table! Gluten free options available.
Community is important at LCHS. We work together to learn, challenge one another, and serve those in need.
We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) as part of the Rocky Mountain Synod. The church of "God's Work - Our Hands." We believe our connections to a larger church network allow us to provide vital services to people in need in our communities (Lutheran Family Services), on the border (Lutheran Immigration Refugee Services), and around the globe (Lutheran Disaster Response and World Hunger) - Better Together!
We welcome ALL people!